• Perform pre-checks on the vSphere environment to identify any inconsistencies or incompatibilities.
  • Deploy and configure load balancing (HAProxy currently)
  • Create vSphere content library with the supported TKRs for NAPP
  • Configure the Supervisor cluster
  • Deploy TKGS guest clusters (for one or multiple NAPP instances)
  • Create Kubeconfg file with non-expiring token
  • Deploy NSX Application platform
  • NAPP diagnostic tools (to validate platform health)
  • Management Network : This network is used by:
    • Supervisor control plane VMs
    • Management interface of HAProxy
    • NAPP automation appliance
  • Workload Network : This network is used by:
    • Supervisor control plane VMs
    •  TKGS guest clusters for NAPP instances.
    • Backend network in HAProxy
  • Front end VIP network : This network is used by:
    • VIP network in the HAProxy load balancer.

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